The parable of the talents in business

In the realm of business, the Parable of the Talents offers profound insights for Christian entrepreneurs seeking success with purpose and integrity. Let’s unravel the wisdom embedded in this parable and discover how it can shape our approach to business.

Understanding the Parable of the Talents

The parable, found in Matthew 25:14-30, narrates a master entrusting his servants with talents, symbolizing resources and abilities. Two servants invest and multiply their talents, while one buries his in fear. This parable is a treasure trove of principles applicable to the entrepreneurial journey.

Investing Diligently: A Call to Wise Business Practices

“For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.” (Matthew 25:29)

Investing wisely is not merely a financial strategy but a biblical principle. In the business arena, diligence and strategic planning align with the master’s commendation in the parable. Christian entrepreneurs are called to steward their resources with purposeful intentionality.

Risk-Taking Faith: Embracing Entrepreneurial Challenges

“And he also who had the two talents came forward, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me two talents; here, I have made two talents more.'” (Matthew 25:22)

Entrepreneurship is inherently risky, demanding a spirit of boldness and faith. Just as the servant with two talents doubled his investment, Christian business leaders are encouraged to step into challenges with a faith-driven mindset, trusting in God’s guidance.

Overcoming the Fear of Failure: A Christian Entrepreneur’s Perspective

“So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.” (Matthew 25:28-29)

Fear can paralyze potential, as seen in the servant who buried his talent. Christian entrepreneurs are reminded that embracing challenges, even if they come with the risk of failure, aligns with the principle of faithful stewardship. Failure, when approached with resilience and trust in God, can be a stepping stone to growth.

Multiplying Impact: Beyond Profit to Purpose

“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.'” (Matthew 25:21)

Success in business, from a Christian perspective, transcends monetary gains. The master’s commendation highlights the importance of aligning business endeavors with a broader purpose, seeking to make a positive impact on others and ultimately bringing glory to God.


In the dynamic world of business, the Parable of the Talents serves as a compass for Christian entrepreneurs. By investing diligently, embracing risk with faith, overcoming the fear of failure, and multiplying impact beyond profit, we can navigate the entrepreneurial landscape with purpose and integrity.

Salvation Prayers : Dear Lord Jesus, I come to you today acknowledging my need for salvation. I confess that I have sinned and fallen short of your glory. But I believe that you died for my sins and rose again. I ask that you come into my heart and be my Lord. I commit to following you and living for you every day. Thank you for your love and for the gift of eternal life. In your name I pray, Amen. Amen If you prayed the above prayers kindly click here to get more information


1. What is the Parable of the Talents about?
A. Faith
B. Stewardship
C. Responsibility
D. All of the above

2. What does the parable teach us about business?
A. We should use our resources to create something of value
B. We should take risks and invest our resources
C. We should be responsible with our resources
D. All of the above

3. What does the parable teach us about rededication?
A. We should not give up when we fail
B. We should use our failures as an opportunity to learn and grow
C. We should be humble and willing to accept help when we need it
D. All of the above

4. What does the parable teach us about diligence?
A. We should be diligent and hardworking
B. We should take risks and invest our resources
C. We should be responsible with our resources
D. All of the above

5. What does the parable teach us about humility?
A. We should be humble and willing to accept help when we need it
B. We should use our resources to create something of value
C. We should take risks and invest our resources
D. All of the above

Discussion Questions

1. How can the Parable of the Talents be applied to business?

2. What lessons can business owners and entrepreneurs learn from the Parable of the Talents?

3. How can the Parable of the Talents be used to teach us about rededication?

4. What does the parable teach us about diligence and hard work?

5. How can the Parable of the Talents be used to teach us about humility?


Q: What is the Parable of the Talents?
A: The Parable of the Talents is a well-known story from the Bible that has been used to teach many lessons about faith, stewardship, and responsibility. In this parable, a master entrusts three of his servants with different amounts of money (talents) to invest while he is away. When he returns, he finds that two of the servants have invested their talents and earned a return, while the third servant has buried his talent in the ground.

Q: What does the parable teach us about business?
A: The parable teaches us that we should use the resources we have been given to create something of value, take risks and invest our resources in order to create wealth and success, be responsible with our resources, and be diligent and hardworking in our endeavors.

Q: What does the parable teach us about rededication?
A: The parable teaches us that we should not give up when we fail, but instead use our failures as an opportunity to learn and grow. It also teaches us that we should be humble and willing to accept help when we need it.

Q: What does the parable teach us about humility?
A: The parable teaches us that we should be humble and willing to accept help when we need it.

Answers: 1. D, 2. D, 3. D, 4. A, 5. A

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