George Owusu



What is Blessing? Blessing is a form of prayer in which God is asked to bestow his favor upon a person or thing. It is a way of expressing gratitude and appreciation for the gifts and blessings that God has given us. In Christianity, blessing is seen as a way of showing reverence and respect […]

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Jesus as Our Healer

Jesus as Our Healer

Healing is an essential part of the life of a Christian, and Jesus is the perfect example of this. Jesus was a healer and he performed many healings during his ministry on earth. He healed the sick, the lame, the blind, and even the dead. He healed not just physical ailments, but also healed people from their spiritual ailments.

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Understanding Self-Control

The Importance of Self-Control in Fighting Temptation

In our daily lives, we often face various temptations that can lead us astray from our goals and values. Whether it’s indulging in unhealthy habits, succumbing to instant gratification, or making impulsive decisions, temptations can hinder our personal growth and overall well-being. Developing and exercising self-control is crucial in combating these temptations and leading a

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