George Owusu

Growing in Faith

Growing in Faith

Growing in faith is essential for any Christian. It is a process of deepening our trust in God, learning more about Him and His teachings, and committing ourselves to Him and His will. In this blog post, we will discuss what it means to grow in faith, how we can do so, and what Bible […]

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Keeping a Healthy Body

Keeping a Healthy Body

Living a healthy lifestyle is an important part of maintaining a balanced and healthy body. Proverbs 17:22 says, “A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.” This proverb encourages us to take care of our bodies, both physically and spiritually, in order to stay healthy. Here are five ways to keep a healthy body:

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Explanation of the role of resurrection power in salvation and eternal life

The power of resurrection is the keystone of salvation and eternal life. It is the power to bring hope, belief, and joy to those who have faith in the Lord. Through this power, we are transformed, renewed, and restored to our original state of grace. We can experience abundance and joy in the knowledge of our salvation and eternal life.

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