Biblical references where the name El Elyon is used

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El Elyon is a Hebrew name for God that is used throughout the Bible. It is translated as “Most High” or “God Most High” and is used to refer to God’s sovereignty and power. El Elyon is mentioned in the Old Testament more than 50 times and is used to describe God’s greatness and authority.

Genesis 14:18-20

And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.

In this passage, Melchizedek, the king of Salem, is described as the priest of El Elyon. He blesses Abram and praises El Elyon for delivering Abram’s enemies into his hand. This passage shows El Elyon’s power and authority over all things.

Psalm 78:35

And they remembered that God was their rock, and the high God their redeemer.

In this passage, El Elyon is described as a redeemer. This shows that El Elyon is not only powerful and sovereign, but also merciful and loving. He is willing to redeem and save those who turn to Him.

Isaiah 14:14

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

In this passage, the king of Babylon is described as wanting to be like El Elyon. This shows that El Elyon is so powerful and great that even the king of Babylon wanted to be like Him.


1. What is El Elyon?
2. Biblical References to El Elyon
3. The Power and Authority of El Elyon
4. El Elyon as a Redeemer
5. El Elyon’s Greatness


1. What does the name El Elyon mean?
a. Most High
b. God Most High
c. Almighty
d. All of the above

2. How many times is El Elyon mentioned in the Old Testament?
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. More than 50

3. Who is described as the priest of El Elyon in Genesis 14?
a. Abraham
b. Melchizedek
c. Isaac
d. Jacob

4. What does El Elyon represent?
a. Power and Authority
b. Mercy and Love
c. Wisdom and Knowledge
d. All of the Above

5. Who wanted to be like El Elyon in Isaiah 14?
a. Abraham
b. Melchizedek
c. The King of Babylon
d. Jacob

Discussion Questions

1. What does El Elyon’s power and authority mean for us as believers?
2. How can we show our reverence for El Elyon?
3. What does El Elyon’s mercy and love mean for us?
4. How can we use the example of El Elyon to be better people?
5. How can we use El Elyon’s greatness to inspire us?


Q: What does El Elyon mean?
A: El Elyon is a Hebrew name for God that is translated as “Most High” or “God Most High” and is used to refer to God’s sovereignty and power.

Q: How many times is El Elyon mentioned in the Bible?
A: El Elyon is mentioned in the Old Testament more than 50 times.

Q: Who is described as the priest of El Elyon in Genesis 14?
A: Melchizedek, the king of Salem, is described as the priest of El Elyon.

Q: What does El Elyon represent?
A: El Elyon represents power and authority, mercy and love, and wisdom and knowledge.

Q: Who wanted to be like El Elyon in Isaiah 14?
A: The king of Babylon is described as wanting to be like El Elyon.

Quiz Answers
1. d. All of the above
2. d. More than 50
3. b. Melchizedek
4. d. All of the Above
5. c. The King of Babylon

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