In this post we consider the following fruit of the spirit guidelines: 1. Concept of the fruit of the spirit, 2. Love, 3. Joy, 4. Peace, 5. Patience, 6. Kindness, 7. Goodness, 8. Faithfulness, 9. Gentleness, 10. Self-control
Chapter 1: Concepts of Fruits of the Spirit
Chapter 2: Love
- Loving Others
- Definition of Love
- Importance of Love in the Fruit of the Spirit
- Biblical Examples of Love
- How to show love
- The Gospel of Love and Valentine
Chapter 3: Joy
- Definition of Joy
- Importance of Joy in the Fruit of the Spirit
- Biblical Examples of Joy
- How to find joy in everyday life as a Christian
Chapter 4: Peace
- Peace
- Importance of Peace in the Fruit of the Spirit
- Biblical Examples of Peace
- How to cultivate peace in our lives
Chapter 5: Patience
- Definition of Patience
- Importance of Patience in the Fruit of the Spirit
- Biblical Examples of Patience
- How to develop patience in our lives
Chapter 6: Kindness
- Definition of Kindness
- Importance of Kindness in the Fruit of the Spirit
- Biblical Examples of Kindness
- How to show kindness to others
Chapter 7: Goodness
- Definition of Goodness
- Importance of Goodness in the Fruit of the Spirit
- Biblical Examples of Goodness
- How to live a life of goodness
Chapter 8: Faithfulness
- Definition of Faithfulness
- Importance of Faithfulness in the Fruit of the Spirit
- Biblical Examples of Faithfulness
- How to be faithful in our relationships
Chapter 9: Gentleness
- Definition of Gentleness
- Importance of Gentleness in the Fruit of the Spirit
- Biblical Examples of Gentleness
- How to be gentle in our interactions with others