How the name Jehovah Rapha is fulfilled in Jesus Christ

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Jehovah Rapha is a name of God that is found in the Bible. It is a Hebrew name that means “The Lord who heals”. In the Old Testament, God is referred to as Jehovah Rapha when He is healing the people of Israel from their physical and spiritual ailments. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is seen as the fulfillment of this name. He is the one who brings healing to the world, both physically and spiritually.

The Healing Ministry of Jesus

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus is seen as a healer. He heals the sick, the lame, the blind, and the deaf. He casts out demons and brings hope to those who are suffering. He is the one who brings healing to the brokenhearted and sets captives free. He is the one who brings life to those who are dead in their sins.

Matthew 8:17 says, “This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: ‘He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.’” Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah, that the Lord would come and heal the people of their physical and spiritual ailments.

The Healing Power of the Cross

The ultimate healing that Jesus brings is through His death on the cross. Through His death, He takes away the sins of the world and brings forgiveness and reconciliation to those who believe in Him. He is the one who brings healing to the brokenhearted and sets captives free.

Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus’ death on the cross is the ultimate demonstration of God’s love for us. He takes away our sins and brings us into a right relationship with Him.

The Healing Power of the Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate demonstration of God’s power to heal. Through His resurrection, Jesus brings life to those who were dead in their sins. He brings hope to those who were hopeless and brings healing to those who were brokenhearted.

Romans 6:4 says, “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” Through His resurrection, Jesus brings us into a new life of hope and healing.

The Healing Power of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the one who brings healing to our hearts and minds. He is the one who brings us into a right relationship with God and helps us to live a life of obedience to Him. He is the one who brings us into a life of joy and peace.

Romans 8:26 says, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” The Holy Spirit is the one who brings healing to our hearts and minds. He intercedes for us and helps us to live a life of obedience to God.


Jehovah Rapha is a name of God that is found in the Bible. It is a Hebrew name that means “The Lord who heals”. In the Old Testament, God is referred to as Jehovah Rapha when He is healing the people of Israel from their physical and spiritual ailments. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is seen as the fulfillment of this name. He is the one who brings healing to the world, both physically and spiritually. Through His death on the cross, His resurrection, and the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus brings healing to those who are brokenhearted and sets captives free.


1. What does the name Jehovah Rapha mean?

A. The Lord who heals
B. The Lord who saves
C. The Lord who loves
D. The Lord who forgives

2. What does Jesus bring through His death on the cross?

A. Forgiveness and reconciliation
B. Hope and healing
C. Joy and peace
D. Life and death

3. What does the Holy Spirit do?

A. He brings healing to our hearts and minds
B. He brings us into a right relationship with God
C. He intercedes for us
D. All of the above

4. What does Jesus bring through His resurrection?

A. Life to those who were dead in their sins
B. Hope to those who were hopeless
C. Healing to those who were brokenhearted
D. All of the above

5. What does Jesus bring to the world?

A. Physical healing
B. Spiritual healing
C. Hope and joy
D. All of the above

Discussion Questions

1. How does Jesus bring healing to the world?

2. What does the Holy Spirit do to bring healing to our hearts and minds?

3. How does Jesus’ death on the cross bring forgiveness and reconciliation?

4. What does the resurrection of Jesus bring to those who believe in Him?

5. How does the name Jehovah Rapha relate to Jesus Christ?


Q: What does the name Jehovah Rapha mean?

A: Jehovah Rapha is a Hebrew name that means “The Lord who heals”.

Q: What does Jesus bring through His death on the cross?

A: Through His death on the cross, Jesus brings forgiveness and reconciliation to those who believe in Him.

Q: What does the Holy Spirit do?

A: The Holy Spirit brings healing to our hearts and minds, helps us to live a life of obedience to God, and intercedes for us.

Q: What does Jesus bring through His resurrection?

A: Through His resurrection, Jesus brings life to those who were dead in their sins, hope to those who were hopeless, and healing to those who were brokenhearted.

Q: What does Jesus bring to the world?

A: Jesus brings physical and spiritual healing to the world.

Answers: A, A, D, D, D

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