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Chapter 1: Concept of Marriage
- Definition of Marriage
- Brief History on Marriage
- Historical Background of Marriage
- Choosing the Right Partner for Marriage
Chapter 2: Benefits of Marriage
- The Benefit of Companionship in Marriage
- The Benefit of Emotional Support in Marriage
- Benefit of Intimacy in Marriage
- Dual Income of Marriage Couples
- The Benefit of Shared Expenses in Marriage
- Tax Benefits in Marriage
- The Benefit of Inheritance Rights in Marriage
- Health Benefits in Marriage
- Custody and Visitation Right on Marriage
- God’s Design for Marriage
Chapter 3: The Institution of Marriage
Chapter 4: Factors Affecting Marriage
Chapter 5: Challenges of Marriage
- Communication Problems in Marriage
- Misunderstanding in Marriage
- Handling Disagreements in Marriage
- Poor Listening Skills in Marriage
- Emotional Affairs in Marriage
- Physical Affairs in Marriage
- Causes of Infidelity in Marriage
- Domestic Violence in Marriage
- Types of Domestic Violence in Marriage
- Causes of Domestic Violence in Marriage
- Effects of Domestic Violence on Marriage
- Resolving Domestic Violence in Marriage
- Divorce
Chapter 6: Factors contributing to a successful Marriage
- Factors Contributing to a Successful Marriage
- Trust in Marriage
- Honesty in Marriage
- Counselling in Marriage
- Transparency in Marriage
- Loyalty in Marriage
- Active Listening in Marriage
- Openness in Marriage
- Conflict Resolution in Marriage
- Mutual Respect in Marriage
Chapter 7: Conclusion
- Recap on Benefits of Marriage
- Implications of Marriage on the Society
- Final Thoughts and Recommendations for a Successful Marriage
- The Future of Marriage
- 5 Testimonies about Marriage Breakthrough Prayers in Christianity
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