Meaning of the name Jehovah Rapha

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Jehovah Rapha is a name of God found in the Bible. It is derived from the Hebrew words “Yahweh” and “Rapha”, which mean “The Lord who heals”. This name is used to describe God’s power to heal and restore.

I. Meaning of Jehovah Rapha

II. Biblical References

III. Significance of Jehovah Rapha

IV. How to Receive Healing from Jehovah Rapha


Meaning of Jehovah Rapha

Jehovah Rapha is a name of God found in the Bible. It is derived from the Hebrew words “Yahweh” and “Rapha”, which mean “The Lord who heals”. This name is used to describe God’s power to heal and restore.

Biblical References

The name Jehovah Rapha is found in the book of Exodus 15:26. In this verse, God is speaking to the Israelites and says, “If you will diligently listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and do that which is right in his eyes, and give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, your healer.”

The name Jehovah Rapha is also found in the book of Isaiah 53:5. In this verse, God is speaking of Jesus and says, “But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed.”

Significance of Jehovah Rapha

The name Jehovah Rapha is significant because it reminds us that God is a healer. He is the one who can bring healing and restoration to our lives. He is the one who can bring us back from the brink of despair and give us hope. He is the one who can bring us back from the depths of darkness and give us light. He is the one who can bring us back from the brink of death and give us life.

How to Receive Healing from Jehovah Rapha

The first step to receiving healing from Jehovah Rapha is to have faith in Him. We must believe that He is able to heal us and that He will do so if we ask. We must also be willing to accept His healing and be open to the changes that it may bring.

The second step is to pray. We must pray for healing and ask God to intervene in our lives. We must also be willing to accept His answer, whatever it may be.

The third step is to take action. We must be willing to do whatever it takes to receive healing. This may include making lifestyle changes, seeking medical help, or seeking counseling.


Q: What does the name Jehovah Rapha mean?

A: The name Jehovah Rapha is derived from the Hebrew words “Yahweh” and “Rapha”, which mean “The Lord who heals”. This name is used to describe God’s power to heal and restore.

Q: Where is the name Jehovah Rapha found in the Bible?

A: The name Jehovah Rapha is found in the book of Exodus 15:26 and Isaiah 53:5.

Q: What is the significance of the name Jehovah Rapha?

A: The name Jehovah Rapha is significant because it reminds us that God is a healer. He is the one who can bring healing and restoration to our lives.

Q: How can I receive healing from Jehovah Rapha?

A: To receive healing from Jehovah Rapha, you must have faith in Him, pray for healing, and take action. This may include making lifestyle changes, seeking medical help, or seeking counseling.

Q: What is the difference between Jehovah Rapha and other names of God?

A: Jehovah Rapha is a specific name of God that is used to describe His power to heal and restore. Other names of God are used to describe different aspects of His character and nature.


1. What does the name Jehovah Rapha mean?

A. The Lord who saves
B. The Lord who heals
C. The Lord who loves
D. The Lord who forgives

2. Where is the name Jehovah Rapha found in the Bible?

A. Exodus 15:26
B. Isaiah 53:5
C. Psalm 103:3
D. All of the above

3. What is the significance of the name Jehovah Rapha?

A. It reminds us that God is a healer
B. It reminds us that God is a savior
C. It reminds us that God is a comforter
D. It reminds us that God is a judge

4. How can I receive healing from Jehovah Rapha?

A. Pray for healing
B. Make lifestyle changes
C. Seek medical help
D. All of the above

5. What is the difference between Jehovah Rapha and other names of God?

A. Jehovah Rapha is used to describe God’s power to heal and restore
B. Other names of God are used to describe different aspects of His character and nature
C. Jehovah Rapha is used to describe God’s power to save and forgive
D. Other names of God are used to describe different aspects of His power

Answers: B, D, A, D, B

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