
How to Evangelise?

Evangelism is an important part of Christian life, and there are many ways in which Christians can share the Good News. The Bible encourages us to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth and to become bold witnesses for Christ. Here are some tips on how to evangelise in the Christianity. Prayer The

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When to Evangelise

When to Evangelise?

When to Evangelise in Christianity Evangelism is an important part of the Christian life, as it embodies the Great Commission given by Jesus to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). As Christians, we have the responsibility to share the Gospel with the world, and in order to do so, it is important

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Evangelism and Apologetics

Evangelism and Apologetics

Evangelism and Apologetics are two of the most important elements of Christianity. Evangelism is the process of sharing the Christian faith with non-believers in the hope of leading them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Apologetics is the practice of defending the Christian faith through reasoned argument and evidence. Both of these disciplines are

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