The Role of the Preacher in Leading People to Salvation

The Role of Discipleship and Follow-up in Leading People to Salvation

Discipleship and follow-up are essential components of leading people to salvation in Christianity. Discipleship is the process of teaching and training someone to become a follower of Jesus Christ, while follow-up is the process of providing ongoing support and guidance to help them grow in their faith. The Bible is clear that it is God’s […]

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The Role of Personal Testimony and Authenticity in Leading People to Salvation

In the journey of faith, the power of personal testimony and authenticity is immeasurable. The genuine sharing of one’s own experiences and transformation can serve as a beacon, leading others towards salvation. The Bible is replete with instances where individuals’ stories have played a pivotal role in guiding people to embrace God’s grace. This blog

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The Role of Love and Compassion in Leading People to Salvation

Love and compassion are essential components of Christianity, and they play a vital role in leading people to salvation. The Bible states, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). This verse emphasizes the importance

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